PvP & Combat Mods
PvP & Combat Mods improve Minecraft’s base battle mechanics and everything in between. Elevate your Minecraft PvP Battles to the next level.
Motion Blur Mod (1.8.9, 1.7.10) creates a trailing effect to make things appear smoother. This mod applies...
TAB Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) is an all-in-one mod for displaying information in various places, which aims...
LiquidBounce Plus Plus Client Mod (1.8.9) is a free Mixin-Based client for Minecraft using Minecraft...
LiquidBounce Plus Reborn Client Mod (1.8.9) is a free Mixin-Based client for Minecraft using Minecraft...
Breeze Client Mod (1.8.9) is great for adding features and functionality to the game. It has become quite...
Vanilla Sneak Mod (1.8.9) is a simple mod that allows you to toggle sneak (and sprint) in 1.8.9. Sneaking...
Pown’s Toggle Sneak Mod (1.8.9) allows you to sneak while in your inventory or chests. Screenshots: Requires: Minecraft...
ToggleSprint is a mod that allows you to toggle sprinting. Deluxe Sprint Mod (1.8.9) provides a convenient...
Orange’s SimpleMods Mod (1.8.9) is a collection of small and useful mods created by OrangeWizard....
MinusBounce Client Mod (1.8.9) is the best free client at the beginning of 2024, it is packaged and released...
GoldGrinder Client Mod (1.8.9) allows you to grind gold efficiently in the game. It’s particularly...
Hysentials Mod (1.8.9) enhances your Hypixel experience with a client-side content expansion pack. Grind...
Mixmetica Mod (1.12.2, 1.8.9) is a simple mixin mod that adds Arcmetica support directly into OptiFine....
RLCombat Mod (1.12.2) adds the ability to attack with weapons in the offhand alongside the mainhand,...
Perspective Mod (1.20.4, 1.19.4) allows you to “move your head” without moving your player’s...