Quality of Life & Cosmetic Mods
Quality of Life & Cosmetic Mods improvements make the Minecraft experience as smooth as possible and eliminate those little pet peeves players have with the Vanilla game.
Fix Experience Bug Mod (1.20.6, 1.20.1) fixes 0 experience bug that happens when players travel to custom...
Have you ever been in a situation where you are fighting off zombies and skeletons and suddenly out of...
Better Azalea Mod (1.18.2, 1.17.1) aims to fix that by adding a unique Azalea wood type and new moss...
Abandoned Urban Mod (1.20.1) brings to your gaming experience five unique structures that are designed...
By default the vanilla potion id limit is 32, many mods extend that to 128 as that is still possible...
If you have a lot of texture packs installed, you would know how difficult it is to scroll through and...
Erebus Fix Mod (1.12.2) is a quick Mixin-based fix to prevent HWYLA/TOP crashes with Preserved Blocks. Requires: Minecraft...
Mob Statues Mod (1.20.4) provides an array of high-quality statues, adding a touch of artistic elegance...
Mo’ Spells Mod (1.12.2) is an Electroblob’s Wizardry spell pack for Mowzie’s Mobs....
Certain mods, like Better Certus Quartz Mod (1.20.2, 1.20.1), use a mineral called certus quartz for...
Enchanting With Thaumcraft Mod (1.12.2) allows normal/vanilla enchantments to be created through Thaumcraft...
ArsPMMO Mod (1.16.5) adds integration for Ars Nouveau to Project MMO. Features: Adds bonuses for Magic...
Curious Jetpacks Mod (1.16.5) adds Curios support to the jetpacks from the Iron Jetpacks Mod. It allows...
ProjectE Integration Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.2) adds support for custom conversions and has mappers to automatically...
Biome Id Fixer Mod (1.16.5) intercepts Minecraft’s and Minecraft Forge’s biome registration...