Tool & Utility Mods
7,955 views ❘ May 8, 2019
Sky Compression Mod 1.12.2 add compressed blocks, items and tools to Sky Resources 2. Features: Currently...
10,112 views ❘ April 26, 2019
What if you could craft WATER TOOLS and they could grand you enormous powers? What would you do if you...
10,650 views ❘ February 14, 2019
Flexible Tools Mod 1.12.2 adds 5 tools and different upgrades to improve said tools: Flexible Sword,...
11,656 views ❘ January 16, 2019
Random Tool Kit Mod 1.12.2 has no overarching theme, it’s simply a collection of useful tools....
19,841 views ❘ October 29, 2018
RevolutionCraft Mod 1.7.10 adds in a bunch of new armor, tools, ore, foods, and more. Screenshots: Crafting...
24,182 views ❘ October 15, 2018
CoFH Vanilla+ Tools Mod 1.12.2 is part of CoFH’s “Vanilla+” series, a group of lightweight...
136 views ❘ October 8, 2018
Redstonic Mod 1.12.2, 1.10.2 adds tools that are powered by Redstone Flux. This includes as of now: Redstonic...
13,885 views ❘ March 12, 2018
OP Items Mod 1.10.2 adds brand new tools to the game and some tools have special op powers. The tools...
35,130 views ❘ January 25, 2018
Emerald Tools Mod 1.10.2, 1.7.10 adds a set of tools made out of emeralds which is slightly better than...
273 views ❘ November 19, 2017
Black Diamond Mod 1.8, 1.7.10 is a small mod that adds black diamond tools to Minecraft and also a full...
262 views ❘ October 28, 2017
TiC Tooltips Mod 1.7.10 is a simple client-side add-on for Tinkers’ Construct Mod that adds relevant...
503 views ❘ October 25, 2017
ExtraTiC Mod 1.7.10 adds additional tools and weapons for Tinkers’ Construct including more mod...
Biome Paint Tools Mod 1.12.2, 1.11.2 allows people to change biome on certain position using pencil. How...
132 views ❘ June 3, 2017
My Creative Tools Mod 1.7.10 adds new powerful editing tools to build things quickly in creative mode. Features: Ctrl...
83 views ❘ May 14, 2017
Deadbush Tools Mod 1.8.0 adds powerful tools to your game. Features: Items: Deadbush Sword Deadbush...