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Tool & Utility Mods

  • 28,485 views ❘ August 3, 2013

    This mod adds plazma tools. Items: Plazma Ingot Plazma Sword Plazma Pickaxe Plazma Axe Plazma Shovel Iron... 

  • 77 views ❘ July 30, 2013

    So now you know the motive behind this mod, on to the features it has to offer, currently it offers... 

  • 111 views ❘ July 14, 2013

    Are your chests full of redstone again? Do you want tools better than diamond tools without getting... 

  • 128 views ❘ May 12, 2013

    This mod adds very powerful tools and armour made of ender Ingots. The mod adds a couple new items and... 

  • 275 views ❘ April 22, 2013

    Dragon Tools is a mod that adds a sweet new array of tools and armour made of ender steel. The mod adds... 

  • 311 views ❘ March 6, 2013

    This Mod adds Emerald Armor and tools! Emerald armor and tools durability is in between iron and diamond. Screenshots: Installation: Download...