Utility Add-ons
6,914 views ❘ December 13, 2023 ❘
Breaking each log is a pretty difficult and time-consuming task for builders, especially in Survival...
16,692 views ❘ December 13, 2023 ❘
Poggy’s WAWLA Addon (1.20) or “What’s That? Addon” provides players with detailed...
1,523 views ❘ December 12, 2023 ❘
Torch o’ Useful Addon (1.20, 1.19) is designed to make torches more fun and useful in Minecraft....
1,314 views ❘ December 11, 2023 ❘
The Ender Lucky Block is unique in that it doesn’t dispense the typical Minecraft items when opened....
40,937 views ❘ December 9, 2023 ❘
6th Century Addon (1.20, 1.19) includes many new types of dragons that will live in the open spaces of...
4,665 views ❘ December 9, 2023 ❘
Camera Angle Addon (1.20) is specifically designed for Minecraft video creators. The newest version of...
1,915 views ❘ December 7, 2023 ❘
SERP Lucky Blocks Addon (1.20) is the ultimate lucky blocks Add-On, it allows you to craft a magic block...
3,148 views ❘ December 6, 2023 ❘
Nico’s Block Expansion Addon (1.20, 1.19) will add more stackable and decorative blocks that may...
13,431 views ❘ December 6, 2023 ❘
Artifacts Addon (1.20, 1.19) is a Minecraft PE mod that adds different artifacts with special and magical...
9,931 views ❘ December 3, 2023 ❘
Rustic Agriculture Addon (1.20, 1.19) is a Minecraft Java mod that is now in the process of adapting...
639 views ❘ February 21, 2023 ❘
Have you ever wished to add item descriptions in new lines while creating maps? This addon can make your...
10,774 views ❘ February 20, 2023 ❘
Warden Equipment Addon (1.19) adds new and exciting Warden loot, you can now craft a unique set of Warden...
600 views ❘ February 20, 2023 ❘
Has the thought of decorating your world with clay pots ever crossed your mind? Well, Clay Pots Addon...
1,921 views ❘ February 19, 2023 ❘
Leather from the Rotten Addon (1.19) transforms your spoiled meat into leather! Simply place the spoiled...
16,976 views ❘ February 11, 2023 ❘
Factory 100 Plus Mod Pack (1.19) focuses on equipment, locomotions, flora, fauna, technology, energy,...