TDR Playtime Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) – Spigot
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August 20, 2023
TDR Playtime Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) is a plugin designed to accurately monitor the amount of time players spend in the Minecraft universe. Whether it’s for personal progression, rewarding dedicated players, or maintaining server balance, this plugin offers a detailed insight into playtime metrics that can greatly enhance the gaming experience.
- Precise Playtime Tracking: The plugin’s primary feature is its ability to track playtime with exceptional accuracy. It records the time players spend on the server down to the minute, ensuring that playtime statistics are up-to-date and reliable.
- User-Friendly Metrics: “TDR Playtime” presents playtime metrics in an easy-to-understand format, making it effortless for both players and server administrators to grasp the amount of time invested in the game.
- Reward and Management Potential: Whether it’s for rewarding active players, enforcing certain playtime requirements, or maintaining server activity, the plugin’s data can be harnessed for various purposes that contribute to a thriving Minecraft community.
Playtime commands
- /playtime : see your playtime
- /playtime top : see the top 10 online time
- /playtime reset <username> : Reset user’s time
- /playtime set <username> <time in seconds> : set a users time
- /playtime <playername/uuid> : see other user’s online time
- /playtime reload : Reload the plugin
- /playtime importPlaytime : this command imports the existing time in minecraft from all your players. WARNING: All playing time in the database will be overwritten.
Milestone commands
- /milestone create <name> <time in seconds> : Create a milestone.
- /milestone list : Show a list with all the milestones
- /milestone remove <milestone> : Remove the milestone
- /milestone info <milestone> : show information and edit options of a milestone
- /milestone test <milestone> : execute the rewards of a milestone on yourself
- /milestone addItemToMilestone <milestone>: Add the item in your main hand to the milestone
- /milestone addCommandToMilestone <milestone> <string>: Add a command that will be executed by the console to the milestone. To use a longer command, you must enclose the command in quotes (“give %playername% apple 64”)
- /milestone togglefirework <milestone> : Toggles the firework for a milestone
- /milestone setfireworkamount <milestone> <amount> : Set the amount of firework that the milestone will fire
- /milestone setfireworkdelay <milestone> <time in seconds> : Set the time between fireworks
Repeating Milestone commands
- /repeatingmilestone create <name> <time in seconds> : Create a repeatingmilestone.
- /repeatingmilestone list : Show a list with all the repeatingmilestones
- /repeatingmilestone remove <repeatingmilestone> : Remove the repeatingmilestone
- /repeatingmilestone info <repeatingmilestone> : show information and edit options of a repeatingmilestone
- /repeatingmilestone addItemToMilestone <repeatingmilestone>: Add the item in your main hand to the repeatingmilestone
- /repeatingmilestone addCommandToMilestone <repeatingmilestone> <string>: Add a command that will be executed by the console to the repeatingmilestone. To use a longer command, you must enclose the command in quotes (“give %playername% apple 64”)
- /repeatingmilestone togglefirework <repeatingmilestone> : Toggles the firework for a repeatingmilestone
- /repeatingmilestone setfireworkamount <repeatingmilestone> <amount> : Set the amount of firework that the repeatingmilestone will fire
- /repeatingmilestone setfireworkdelay <repeatingmilestone> <time in seconds> : Set the time between fireworks
Playtime permissions
- /playtime : playtime.playtime
- /playtime top :
- /playtime reset <username> : playtime.playtime.reset
- /playtime <playername/uuid> : playtime.playtime.other
- /playtime migratefromminecraft : playtime.playtime.migratefromminecraft
- /playtime reload : playtime.playtime.reload
- /playtime importPlaytime : playtime.playtime.importPlaytime
Milestone permissions
- /milestone create <name> <time in seconds> : playtime.milestone
- /milestone additem <milestone> : playtime.milestone.additem
- /milestone addcommand <milestone> <command> : playtime.milestone.addcommand
- /milestone togglefirework <milestone> : playtime.milestone.additem
- /milestone setfireworkamount <milestone> <amount> : playtime.milestone.setfireworkamount
- /milestone setfireworkdelay <milestone> <time in seconds> : playtime.milestone.setfireworkdelay
- /milestone remove <milestone> : playtime.milestone.remove
- /milestone info <milestone> :
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugin’s directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.
TDR Playtime Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) Download Links
For All Versions from Minecraft Spigot 1.14 to Minecraft Spigot 1.20.1
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