Tecknix Client (1.8.9) has all the mods and features you will ever really need. It has a launcher, ingame shop and server and is a great alternative to bigger clients such as Lunar Client or PvPLounge or Badlion Client. They also boast up to a 25% increase in frames compared to Optifine which could be really good if a lot of FPS is something you want.

Tecknix Client is on the bleeding edge of user experience and aesthetics in regards to Minecraft designs. Tecknix Client is packed with a sleek and modern launcher for Mac, Linux and windows respectively. Tecknix Client includes real and effective frame and system resource usage optimizations and many popular mods. With color themes that can be edited and loaded by the user, Tecknix Client can be completely transformed visually! Tecknix Client operates off of a single menu. This menu can be opened anywhere in the client. The menu contains elements that can be opened from the task bar and can be moved by grabbing them!



Java 7 or above


How to install:

Tecknix Client (1.8.9) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.8.9

Windows Installer version (Exe file): Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

MAC Installer version (Dmg file): Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

Linux Installer version (AppImage file): Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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