Are you looking for difficulty for your world of survival? is your world very boring? If so, Temperatures Addon (1.19) is for you since it adds different textures for each biome that will give you bad effects if you spend a lot of time in them.


How does it work?

Well this addon works with temperatures depending on the biome you are in, for example if you are on the ice it will give you a cold temperature and if you stay in that place for a long time the cold will increase until you move on to the next phase.



  • In this phase you will be at an ambient temperature that will not have phases at any time it is a totally safe temperature


  • This phase is the first cold, it is granted to you when you enter a cold biome, such as the first phase, it can increase until it becomes colder and its corresponding effects


  • If you enter a hot biome such as a desert, be careful, you never know when the phase that will give you the effects will increase and you can d*e

Cold two:

  • In this phase you will have little time left so take it as a warning that you must leave the biome in which you are

Hot two:

  • In this phase you will have little time left so take it as a warning that you must leave the biome in which you are

Pre hypothermia:

  • In this phase I will have dangerous effects so get out of that biome as soon as you can, you will not know how much time you have left before it passes to hypothermia and you will d*e

Pre hyperthermia:

  • In this phase I will have dangerous effects so get out of that biome as soon as you can, you will not know how much time you have left before it passes to hyperthermia and you will d*e


  • This phase is pure and hard death, effects will be added with which you will want to get out of your world


  • This phase is pure and hard death, effects will be added with which you will want to get out of your world

Temperature effects:


  • Slowness 3
  • Whiter 1
  • Hyperthermia
  • Slowness 5
  • Whiter 3

Biome temperatures:

Cold biomes:

  • Ice
  • Extreme hillls

Hot biomes:

  • Nether
  • Eesert
  • Savanna



New armor was created to withstand extreme climates.

The armors with white dots are armors that have wool, that wool protects from the cold, these armors can be crafted with the default armors of the game, which are: iron, diamond and netherite

These armors can be crafted like this:

Iron armor: It is crafted with all the armor and 5 blocks of sheep’s wool

Diamond armor: It is crafted with all the armor and 5 blocks of sheep’s wool

Netherite Armor: It is crafted with all the armor and 5 blocks of sheep’s wool

Holed armor protects from heat, these armor can be made with the default armor of the game, which are: iron, diamond and netherite.

These armors can be made your:

Iron armor: it is made with all the armor and 2 lava buckets

Diamond armor: it is made with all the armor and 2 lava buckets

Netherite armor: it is made with all the armor and 2 lava buckets

How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE

How To Install Map on Minecraft PE

Temperatures Addon (1.19) Download Links

For MCPE/Bedrock Edition 1.19

Behavior: Download from server 2

Resource: Download from server 2

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