Thaumic Energistics Mod 1.12.2, 1.7.10 is a small addon to Thaumcraft 4 which provides compatibility with Applied Energistics 2. It adds many useful machines and devices which allow the player to automate most of the crafting in Thaumcraft 4 and provide lots of comfort to the gameplay.

Thaumic Energistics Mod

With Essentia storage machines all alchemy becomes relatively easy, Essentia can be stored in ME network and accessed via terminals (even wireless) or shown in storage monitors. Import/Export/Storage buses allow the player to automate most operations which either produce or require it.

Essentia Provider can be used to supply all machines which need Essentia without the need of hardcore tweaks and in-depth automation, just placed next to a machine, this device will supply it with everything it needs, taking the required Essentia right from the network.

Infusion Provider will do the same to Infusion Altar and other machines which share this mechanic, f.e. Overchanting Table.

Arcane Assembler allows the player to automate the recipes done in Arcane Worktable. Vis required for this can also be transported via the network and supplied directly.

Finally, the Wireless Golem Backpack shares the advantages of using ME network with the golems, allowing the most complex and crazy ideas to come true.

This addon, despite being rather small, provides so many useful blocks and items which make it one of the most popular Thaumcraft 4 addons of all time.


  • Import and export essentia to the ME network.
  • Interface with Thaumcraft devices which use suction to request essentia.
  • Store essentia in the ME network and/or use Thaumcraft jars as storage extensions.
  • View how much of each essentia type is stored on the network.
  • Interface with infusion devices such as the Runic matrix.
  • Thaumcraft crafting terminal with access to items on the ME network.
  • Emit redstone signal based on amount of essentia in network.
  • Charge wands in arcane crafting terminal.
  • Golems can do the work of cranking your grinder.
  • Arcane Assembler, for automation of crafting arcane items.
  • Essentia autocrafting.
  • Connect golems to your network.
  • Thaumic NEI Plugin support.
  • ComputerCraft support.

AE2 Security Permissions:

  • Export Bus: Requires extract permission to open GUI.
  • Import Bus: Requires inject permission to open GUI.
  • Level Emitter: Requires build permission to open GUI.
  • Storage Bus: Requires extract & inject permission to open GUI.
  • Arcane Crafting Terminal: Requires extract & inject permission to open GUI.
  • Essentia Terminal: Anyone can open GUI. Must have extract/inject permissions to fill/empty jars or phials.
  • Arcane Assembler: Requires extract & inject permission to open GUI.

Research: Discoveries await!


Cores: Cores are the worker engines in Thaumic Energistics. They convert raw essentia into a gaseous fluid, and vice-versa.

  • Diffusion Core: Converts raw essentia into a highly volumetric gas. A single essentia is converted into 250 (configurable) milibuckets of fluid.
  • Coalescence Core: Converts essentia gas into raw essentia. 250 (configurable) milibuckets of fluid forms a single essentia.


Input/Output: Imports and exports essentia from the network.



  • Essentia Terminal (left) allows you to monitor how much essentia is the network.
  • Arcane Crafting Terminal (right) allows you to craft Thaumcraft’s arcane recipes with access to the ME network.


Storage Components: Stores the essentia in its digital format. Non-operational unless a cell casing is used to interface with a digital network.

  • ME 1k Essentia Storage Component: Smallest storage component storing 1,024 bytes, used to make 4k ME Essentia Storage Cell, or can be upgraded to make 4k ME Essentia Storage Component. Can be recovered from a crafted 1k ME Essentia Storage Cell by emptying the storage cell, and sneak-clicking it in your hand.
  • ME 4k Essentia Storage Component: Small storage component storing 4,096 bytes, used to make 16k ME Essentia Storage Cell, or can be upgraded to make 16k ME Essentia Storage Component. Can be recovered from a crafted 4k ME Essentia Storage Cell by emptying the storage cell, and sneak-clicking it in your hand.
  • ME 16k Essentia Storage Component: Medium component storing 16,384 bytes, used to make 64k ME Essentia Storage Cell, or can be upgraded to make 64k ME Essentia Storage Component. Can be recovered from a crafted 16k ME Essentia Storage Cell by emptying the storage cell, and sneak-clicking it in your hand.
  • ME 64k Essentia Storage Component: Largest component storing 65,536 bytes. Can be recovered from a crafted 64k ME Essentia Storage Cell by emptying the storage cell, and sneak-clicking it in your hand.


Storage Cells: Provides an interface and protects a storage component.

  • ME 1k Essentia Storage Cell: Smallest storage cell storing 1,024 bytes, crafted from the 1k ME Essentia Storage Component. You can remove the storage component by emptying the cell and sneak-clicking it in your hand.
  • ME 4k Essentia Storage Cell: Small storage cell storing 4,096 bytes, crafted from the 4k ME Essentia Storage Component. You can remove the storage component by emptying the cell and sneak-clicking it in your hand.
  • ME 16k Essentia Storage Cell: Medium storage cell storing 16,384 bytes, crafted from the 16k ME Essentia Storage Component.
  • ME 64k Essentia Storage Cell: Largest storage cell storing 65,536 bytes, crafted from the 64k ME Essentia Storage Component. You can remove the storage component by emptying the cell and sneak-clicking it in your hand.


Cell Workbench: Allows you to partition cells, specifying what essentia types are allowed to be stored.


Providers: Essentia Provider(left) uses Thaumcraft’s suction mechanic(tubes) to allow devices to extract essentia from the network. Infusion Provider(right) uses Thaumcraft’s infusion mechanic(matrix) to export essentia from the network.


Vis Relay Interface: Interfaces with the Vis Relay network, allowing your A.C.T. to charge wands.


Gearboxes: Replacement for the wooden crank, can crank multiple devices simultaneously, and even allow your golems to crank for you!



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Crafting Recipes:

Recommend that you should install Just Enough Items (for mods using Forge) or Roughly Enough Items (for mods using Fabric) to view the full recipes included in this mod






Minecraft Forge

Thaumcraft Mod

Applied Energistics 2 Mod

How to install:

How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge

How To Download & Install Fabric Mods

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Thaumic Energistics Mod 1.12.2, 1.7.10 Download Links

For Minecraft 1.7.10

Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.12.2

Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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