The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Workbenches
The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Workbenches
Minecraft, a game of creativity and survival, offers a variety of workbenches that players can use to craft, smelt, and enchant items. This guide will walk you through each workbench, its crafting recipe, and its unique functionalities.
1. Crafting Table
The crafting table is the most fundamental workbench in Minecraft. It’s the first thing you’ll likely create in a new world. Besides crafting, it can also repair your tools, but be careful as this will remove any enchantments. If you want to keep your enchantments, you’ll need to use an anvil.
- Craft Crafting Table:
- Craft Tools:
- Repair Tools:
2. Furnace
The furnace is primarily used to smelt items and cook food. It takes 10 seconds to smelt one item. Be mindful of your fuel sources; for instance, one coal can smelt eight items, but it will continue burning even after all items are smelted. Furnaces also provide XP and emit light when lit.
- Craft Furnace:
- Furnace work:
- Furnace’s fuel:
- Furnace gives EXP:
- Furnace gives light:
3. Blast Furnace
- The blast furnace is a specialized workbench that can only smelt ores, raw metals, and metal armour and tools. However, it does so twice as fast as a regular furnace.
- Like the furnace, it also emits light and provides XP.
4. Brewing Stand
- The brewing stand allows for the brewing of potions.
- It requires blaze powder
as fuel and can interact with hoppers from three different sides, enabling the creation of automatic potion brewers.
5. Cartography Table
- The cartography table is used to zoom out, clone, and lock maps.
- It’s a great tool for exploring and documenting your Minecraft world
6. Fletching Table
Currently, the fletching table doesn’t have a specific use beyond serving as a Fletcher villager’s job site block. However, it may have additional functionalities in the future.
7. Grindstone
- The grindstone is used to:
- Disenchant items
- Combine two broken items into one.
- It’s a handy tool for managing your enchanted items.
8. Lectern
- The lectern is used to display books
- Give out a redstone signal with a comparator, depending on what page is turned in the book.
9. Loom
The loom is used to customize banners in the game.
It allows for a variety of patterns and colours to be applied to banners.
10. Smithing Table
- The smithing table is used to upgrade diamond tools and armour into netherrite tools and armour.
- In future updates, it will also be used to craft prismarine armours.
11. Smoker
The smoker is used to cook food items twice as fast as a regular furnace.
12. Stonecutter
The stonecutter is an alternative to the crafting table for crafting stone-related blocks. It allows for more efficient crafting of certain blocks.
13. Anvil
- The anvil is used to repair items using their original material.
- Combine two items without losing the enchants.
- Add enchanted books to tools and armour.
- It can also be used to name items.
14. Enchanting Table
- The enchanting table is used to enchant items.
- To get the max level 30 enchantment, you need to place 15 bookshelves around your enchantment table.
Remember, each workbench in Minecraft has its unique uses and functionalities. Understanding how to use them effectively can greatly enhance your gameplay experience.