The Undead Revamped Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.2) adds new types of Undead most of them being zombies. This mod makes Minecraft very challenging, and the new mobs give you the choice to escape instead of fighting. This mod adds strong and challenging undead mobs. This mod makes Minecraft very challenging, and the new mobs give you the choice to escape instead of fighting. They are pretty scary too, but fear not! All these zombies have their own weaknesses which you can exploit and defeat with ease. All of these mobs have many different skills like ramming, exploding, and much more.


The Bomber (True zombie)

  • Hp:30 (spawn anywhere in the overworld)
  • Attk:3
  • Attributes: Resistant to knockback
  • Speed: quite fast
  • Sp: Explodes and splatters goos on the victim’s face.
  • Note It will usually jump 2 times before exploding. (The timer resets if the target isn’t close enough)
  • Hitting them when they are going to explode will make them burst instantly.

The Spitter (True zombie)

  • HP:8 (spawn anywhere in the overworld)
  • Attk: 4-30
  • Speed: speedy
  • Sp: hides underground when there is no target
  • Note: Their sight is worse than most zombies try using a bow when they haven’t yet noticed you.
  • Spitter has 2 texture variants which have burned clothes and mouth.
  • Drops: They rarely drop an acid sack which you can throw spreading acid on impact. (Combine it with slime and you will get a Molotov called Napalm sack)
  • the acid sack can also be crafted into a bowl in which you can put egg or snow gaining Debuff resistance which removes certain bad effects inflicted on your body.
  • for a quick drink you can right click the bowl on water sources to get a tea. (Cauldron also works)

The Spectre (Made zombie)

  • HP:35+ thick armor (Certain snowy biomes)
  • Attk: 4
  • Speed: Certainly fast
  • Sp: 1. Is always invincible (Temporarily disabled once taken damage)
  • 2. After getting attacked sometime they will rush toward you.
  • 3. Hitting them can also break their tanks, spreading the invincible smoke around and causing everything around it to become invisible. (So if you encounter them with other zombies avoid hurting it)
  • 4. They have a rare counterpart that has wounds over its body. (They are resistant to physical attack, tho they aren’t invincible)

The Horrors (Universal discrepancies being)

  • Hp:45 (spawn anywhere in the overworld)
  • Attk: 12
  • Speed: fast
  • Sp: Warping in and out of existence can inflict blindness upon getting hit.
  • Spawn decoys when they see their target.
  • Note: The mob can still attack you in its invisible form so it’s best to look on your feet because when they move they leave Ender dragon breath trails.
  • The decoys also spawn naturally to spook you out.
  • Weaknesses: When near the light source the real one will be spotted. (but not when it’s invisible tho)
  • The decoys can be killed using water. (Useful when encountering them in tight caves)
  • The Real one also takes extra knockback. (So it can stay hidden, but you can try use this as your advantage)

The Wheezer (Made zombie)

  • Hp:25 (spawn anywhere in the overworld)
  • Attk: 3
  • Speed: Normal
  • Sp: Exhaling pink fumes block your vision and weaken your strength. (If the undead inhaled the fumes they will gain good effects)
  • also, the fumes can be blocked with a shield.
  • Weaknesses: Setting them on fire instantly kills them
  • Will be decapitated if they are hit many times. (disabling them from using fume attacks)
  • Lumber Variants: 1. Deals massive damage
  • 2. Walk speed increased
  • 3. Cannot be decapitated

The Moonflower (Demonic undead)

  • HP:30 (spawn anywhere in the overworld)
  • Attk:4
  • Speed: REALLY FAST
  • SP: Can spot enemies from far away
  • Weakness: 1. Using the Arapholia perfume on any mob will cause the Moonflower to target that mob. So this perfume bottle is a must-have when traveling at night as these mobs will come after your arse without it.
  • 2. Has a chance of getting stunned if hit airborne.
  • Note: The Arapholia flower is dropped from the Moonflower or spawns naturally on the plain or taiga biome. in 8 radius blocks the plant will randomly put the scent on mobs which causes the moonflower to go after it. (the scent from the flower doesn’t work on undead mobs except if it was sprayed from the perfume bottle). The flower can also be brewed to give that same effect.
  • Note 2: Rare chance of dropping a black petal block which can be used to inflict Scent on mobs depending on items put into the middle slot in 8 block area to on activation button click.(other slots are used for keeping stuff)

The Hunter (Demonic undead)

  • HP:16 (78+ heights in the overworld/ or underground)
  • Attk:4
  • Speed: fast
  • SP: Fully recovers itself after dealing damage. (except if it is blocked)
  • These tricky bastards like to fly to confuse their target or avoid getting hit. (It is vulnerable when flying so try flanking them mid-air)
  • After dealing damage to its target it will move/fly away for a second then come back again.
  • Can break fences and doors. (Can be turned off
  • Weakness: when they are chasing you try going near the cliff or deep rivers so when they are flying they accidentally fell into it. (They can’t stop mid-flight)
  • Note: They love killing and eating animals so keep them safe.



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