TigerReports Plugin (1.18.2, 1.16.5) is a powerful reporting plugin designed for Minecraft servers to manage and handle player reports efficiently. It allows players to report issues directly to staff members, with comprehensive management tools for admins to review, act on, and track these reports. The plugin includes features like configurable messages, report history, and support for databases to store information, ensuring smooth moderation.


  • Real-time report notifications
  • Database support for saving reports
  • Configurable messages and settings
  • Report history tracking



Command Action
/report <player> (reason) Reports a specific player.
/reports reload Reloads files of plugin.
/reports Opens the general menu of all reports.
/reports #<report id> Opens the menu of a specific report.
/reports user <player> Opens the data menu of a specific player.
/reports stopcooldown <player> Cancels cooldown of a specific player.
/reports punish <player> <seconds> Prevents the player from reporting for a certain time.
/reports notify Changes state of report notifications (for staff members).
/reports <archive / delete> <report id> Archives/deletes the report.
/reports comment <report id> <comment> Adds the comment to the report.
/reports archiveall Archives all reports that are marked as Done.
/reports archives Displays all archived reports.
/reports deleteall <archived / unarchived> Deletes all archived reports.


Permission Effect
tigerreports.report Allows to report a player with /report (not needed if PermissionRequired is disabled in config.yml).
tigerreports.report.exempt Prevents other players from reporting us.
tigerreports.staff Allows to see and process the reports, and access to players statistics (/reports user <player> command).
tigerreports.staff.teleport Allows to teleport to participants of a report.
tigerreports.staff.archive Allows to archive reports.
tigerreports.staff.archive.auto Allows to automatically archive a report when processing it.
tigerreports.staff.delete Allows to delete reports.
tigerreports.staff.advanced Allows to manage important and done reports and see the advanced data of the reports.
tigerreports.staff.* Gives all permissions related to reports processing.
tigerreports.manage Allows to reload the plugin and change players statistics.
tigerreports.* Gives all permissions.


Vault Plugin

How to install:

TigerReports Plugin (1.18.2, 1.16.5) Download Links

For All Versions from Minecraft 1.7 to Minecraft 1.18.2

Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

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