TimeStop Mod 1.12.2 allows the average players to possess the power of manipulating time and space themselves. With a Watch at hand (which can only be obtained using creative mode) and a single right-click, players can control the fate of the universe itself, or rather they can just watch explosion in slow motion and arrow freeze in mid-air. Whatever the purpose is, wielding such powerful artifact will be a lot of fun as experiencing the time standing still and toy with it are usually known to entail a lot of chaos. However, in Minecraft, players can do whatever they want with it.

Timestop Mod


  • A Watch, which can only be obtained in the Creative Tab allows players to control time.


TimeStop Mod Screenshots 1

TimeStop Mod Screenshots 2

TimeStop Mod Screenshots 3

TimeStop Mod Screenshots 4

TimeStop Mod Screenshots 5


Minecraft Forge


How to install:

How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge
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TimeStop Mod 1.12.2 Download Links

For Minecraft 1.12.2

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