This mod takes tiny people to the next level, giving them amazing tricks, abilities, spells and attributes!

There are currently 8 mutants in the mod

The Centaur


  • Unit type: Light Cavalry
  • Attack: Low
  • Health: Average
  • Speed: Fast
  • Follow Item: Gold Nugget

The Centaur is a unit which is specialized in taking out other cavalry. This is very helpfull when fighting larger armies and preventing yours from being flanked by enemy cavalry. He is also a hunter, meaning he will hunt down all animals! This might be helpfull sometimes, but beware! he might get distracted if a chicken suddenly enters the battlefield! Also, the Centaur is unable to take out siege units!

Its scroll is crafted like so..


The Rock Troll


  • Unit type: Siege unit
  • Attack: High
  • Health: High
  • Speed: Slow
  • Follow Item: Smooth Stone Block

The Rock Troll is a unit which is specialized in taking out enemy infantry at a fast rate. This is very helpfull when fighting larger armies and preventing yours from being overrun by infantry. Also, the Rock Troll is immume to Fire, but beware! The Rock Troll might be strong, yet very slow…

Its scroll is crafted like so..


The Berserker


  • Unit type: Light Infantry
  • Attack: Low
  • Health: Low
  • Speed: Average
  • Follow Item: Stone Axe

The Berserker is a unit which is specialized in overwhelming the enemy army. This is very helpfull when fighting smaller groups and preventing your ranged units from being attacked by the enemy. The Berserker could be seen as the ”basic” Evil unit, just like the Hoplite is to the forces of Good.

Its scroll is crafted like so..


The Ent


  • Unit type: Heavy Infantry
  • Attack: High
  • Health: low
  • Speed: Average
  • Follow Item: Stick

The Ent is a unit which is specialized in taking out enemy siege units. This is very helpfull when fighting larger armies and preventing your infantry from being attacked by siege units. The Ent is a very strong infantry unit, but his health is surprisingly low, just like his fire resistance..

Its scroll is crafted like so..


The Hoplite


  • Unit type: Light Infantry
  • Attack: Low
  • Health: Low
  • Speed: Average
  • Follow Item: Apple

The Hoplite is a unit which is specialized in overwhelming the enemy army. This is very helpfull when fighting smaller groups and preventing your ranged units from being attacked by the enemy. The Hoplite could be seen as the ”basic” Good unit, just like the Berserker is to the forces of Evil.

Its scroll is crafted like so..


The Orc


  • Unit type: Medium Infantry
  • Attack: Low
  • Health: Very High
  • Speed: Average
  • Follow Item: Bone

The Orc is a unit which is specialized in taking out enemy siege and ranged units. This is very helpfull when fighting large armies and preventing yours from being destroyed by siege units. The Orc is amazingly tough to kill, this allows him to move close to the siege and ranged units without getting killed.

Its scroll is crafted like so..


The Scout


  • Unit type: Light Cavalry
  • Attack: Low
  • Health: Average
  • Speed: Very Fast
  • Follow Item: Flint

The Scout is a unit which is specialized in surprise attacks and distracting. This is very helpfull when the enemy army keeps getting reinforcements, and you just want to take care of them. The Scout is a very fast unit, but its health and attacks are not the best, its better not to use them for flanking the enemy..

Its scroll is crafted like so..


The Sand Brute


  • Unit type: Medium Infantry
  • Attack: Average
  • Health: High
  • Speed: Average
  • Follow Item: Sand Block

The Sand Brute is specialized in holding of infantry and taking damage from ranged units and siege. This is very helpfull when the enemy army is trying to take down your heavy infantry using fire and Siege. Also, the Sand Brute is immume to Fire..

Its scroll is crafted like so..


The Global command Tablets

As you might have noticed, every unit has its own ”Follow item”.
What this means is that you have full control over where your troops go and whether they should stop fighting or not.(They stop fighting when tempted with a Follow item)

Now.. you are probably wondering, what if i want all my units to follow me to the battlefield? (OR you want to retreat from battle!) No problem! Since i made some magical clay tablets which allow you to do so. The Holy Clay Tablet controls the forces of Good, The Cursed Clay Tablet controls the forces of Evil. Once again very simple.

They are crafted like so..

Holy Clay Tablet


Cursed Clay Tablet



  • Download and install Modloader
  • Delete META-INF file
  • Download Tiny Mythology Mod
  • Drag and drop files from “Tiny Mythology Mod” into “Minecraft.jar”
  • Close “Minecraft.jar” and run minecraft!


  • Added Sand Brutes
  • Added New Id’s
  • Changed Black Rider to Scout

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