Top 5 Best New Seeds often spawn players near villages, allowing immediate access to food, shelter, and vital items from village chests. Villages typically include blacksmiths with valuable loot like iron tools, armor, and obsidian, which are crucial for progressing quickly. Additionally, having villagers nearby means access to trades for emeralds, enchanted books, and other rare items that can significantly boost speedrunning efforts. Some village seeds also feature nearby structures such as desert temples, ruined portals, or strongholds, further accelerating the journey to the End. Utilizing these seeds, speedrunners can streamline their strategies, cutting down on time spent searching for resources and focusing on mastering the art of the run.

Seed #1. -6611696846386096308

Seed #2. -2728266053129328741

Seed #3. -5143443745069813832

How to install:

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