Trainer Commands Mod (1.16.5, 1.12.2) provides a particular list of commands for players within the world of pixelmon to utilize as a method to interact with other battle NPCs, especially the Trainer. In the world of Pixelmon, while pokemon is the most important part of the core gameplay, it would be lackluster if players don’t account for the interaction with other trainers as they often provide players with interesting storylines as well as thrilling battles to incentivize players to grow their pokemon further stronger. However, these interactions between NPCs and regular players are often unsatisfying as players cannot fully control these coded entities to be optimized. With Trainer Commands, a list of commands will be provided such as /pokeheal, which allows trainers to heal players, or /pokespawn which forces a trainer to pull out their pokemon. Once all commands are set, players would be able to train their pokemon with excitement as the trainers would function properly.


  • Players are granted commands that can interact directly with the Trainer NPC in Pixelmon.


    • /pokeheal – Interacting with Healing Trainer.
    • /pokespawn – Forcing Trainers to Spawn their Pokemon.
    • /tedit add <win/lose/battle_start/forfeit/interact> – Forcing the NPC Trainer to follow through with the result of the battle.
    • /tedit remove <win/lose/battle_start/forfeit/interact> Forcing the NPC Trainer to ignore the result of the battle.
    • /tedit list – Displaying a list of commands that can be executed.



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Pixelmon Mod

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Trainer Commands Mod (1.16.5, 1.12.2) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.12.2

Forge Version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.16.5

Forge Version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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