Trolling Freedom Plugin (1.20.6, 1.20.1) is a popular trolling plugin for Minecraft servers, providing a wide range of fun and mischievous tools to surprise and entertain players. It’s perfect for server admins who want to add a bit of chaos or play pranks on their players with ease.


  • Extensive Troll Options: The plugin offers a variety of trolling commands, from classic pranks like fake bans and random explosions to more creative options like upside-down players and fake op messages.
  • User-Friendly GUI: TrollingFreedom includes an intuitive GUI that makes it easy for admins to select and execute troll commands quickly without needing to remember specific commands.
  • Customization: Many of the troll actions can be customized to fit the server’s style or the admin’s preferences, ensuring that the pranks can be as subtle or as outrageous as desired.
  • Permissions System: The plugin integrates with existing permissions plugins, allowing server owners to control who can access the trolling features, preventing abuse by unauthorized players.
  • Multi-Version Support: TrollingFreedom is compatible with a wide range of Minecraft versions, making it a versatile choice for servers running on different versions of the game.



  • /Troll (Opens Troll GUI)
    All plugin commands and features – trollingfreedom.*
  • /TrollingFreedom Lists the plugin version and author.
  • /Troll – Opens the Troll GUI –
  • /Trollp (Player) (Troll) – Troll player without GUI – trollingfreedom.trollp
  • /UnTroll (Player) – Removes all trolls without needing to enter GUI – trollingfreedom.untroll
  • /Troll Reload – Reloads config

How to install:

Trolling Freedom Plugin (1.20.6, 1.20.1) Download Links

For All Versions from Minecraft 1.14 to Minecraft 1.20.6

Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

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