What is Tubes?

Tubes Mod 1.7.10 aims to provide the best item transport and sorting solution using the awesome Forge Multipart API

These tubes work somewhat like the pneumatic tubes in RedPower, but there are many more types of tubes for all sorts of uses.

Mod Features:

  • Item Transport: Items in tubes seek the shortest path to an inventory and items cannot be accidentally dropped!
  • Tube Coloring: Tubes can be colored by clicking them with dyes. Different colored tubes wont connect to each other. Colors can be cleared by clicking on them with a water container (eg. water bucket, water bottle)
  • Ghost item filters: Don’t waste your items in filters, all filter slots in tubes use ghost items. Left click to decrease, Right click to increase, hold shift to increase/decrease by 10
  • NEI Drag and Drop Integration: If you have NEI installed, you can drag from the items list into a filter slot to set its even when in recipe mode!
  • Fluid support: You can move fluids around in a similar way to items, even at the same time.

Mod Spotlight:

Mod Contents:

To start making tubes, you are going to need plastic. The most basic way to get plastic is as follows:

First combine sand, clay, and coal/charcoal to get pellets

Smelt the plastic pellets to get plastic sheets

Finally combine 2 plastic and 1 glass like above to get 8 tubes

If you want more plastic pellets, you can use this method to produce 32 tubes worth of plastic at a time:

Smelt a bucket of milk to get milk curd.

Combine that milk curd with coal/charcoal, gunpowder, and 1 bucket’s worth of water (can use forestry cans and other containers like it) to get 8 plastic pellets.

BuildCraft Users:

You can refine fuel into liquid plastic using the refinery. You get 1 bucket of liquid plastic for 1 bucket of fuel

Combine a bucket of liquid plastic with coal/charcoal to get 8 plastic pellets

MineFactoryReloaded Users:

You can use MFR plastic sheets anywhere Tubes plastic is used.

Tubes Mod Recipes

Restriction Tube:

Adds 5000 to the path length. Can be colored

Ejection Tube:

Has a forced open direction. Items will be ejected out of the open side. Can be colored. Can be rotated with a BuildCraft compatible wrench

Filter Tube:

Can precisely control what items can enter it

Compressor Tube:

Compresses items that pass through it to specific stack sizes. Useful for reducing lag.

Extraction tube:

Pulls items out of inventories at a rate of 1 stack per 10 ticks. Can be disabled by applying a redstone signal. Can be colored. Can be rotated with a BuildCraft compatible wrench

Requesting tube:

A combination of an extraction tube and filter tube, can pull from inventories both adjacent, and remote. It will also pull the exact amount of an item specified in its filter. Can be rotated with a BuildCraft compatible wrench

Routing tube:

This tube allows you to choose what destination an item will have. When deciding the path for an item to take, the shortest valid path will still be chosen.

Block of Plastic:

A decorative block made of plastic

Redstone Circuit:

An item used by the filter tube recipe

Tube Cap:

A tube cap allows you to block connections between tubes and other tubes/blocks without needing colors, or covers

You can use any saw

Injection Tube:

A tube that acts as an inventory for other mods to output into. It has one slot that is output 2 times per second

Tank Tube:

A tube that acts as a fluid inventory for other mods to output into. It holds one bucket worth and is output 2 times per second

Buffer Tube:

This tube acts as a chest holding 9 slots. It automatically tries to output to one direction at a rate of 1 stack twice per second

Fluid Circuit:

This is used to craft Fluid Extraction tubes

Fluid Extraction Tube:

This tube can be used to pull liquid out from tanks or machines. It extracts twice per second

How to install Tubes Mod 1.7.10

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge (for Minecraft 1.7.2 and older) or Forge Multipart (for Minecraft 1.7.10)
  • Download and install CodeChickenCore (for Minecraft 1.7.10)
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
  • If one does not exist you can create one.
  • Enjoy the mod.


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  • Updated for Minecraft 1.7.10
  • Fixed tube painting.

Download Links for Tubes Mod 1.7.10

For 1.6.4/1.6.2



For Minecraft 1.7.2



For Minecraft 1.7.10

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