Twisted Shadows Addon (1.21, 1.20) brings Herobrine into the game, quietly stalking you from a distance. Unlike other Herobrine addons, this version is subtler, perfect for spooking your friends without them realizing what’s happening. There’s even lore to uncover, if you’re brave enough to search for it… However, if you’re using it to scare your friends or prefer some general information before starting, you should read about the Herobrine function commands. These commands trigger activities that Herobrine usually performs on his own. Each command is explained in detail below.


Herobrine Function Commands:

Replace the ‘PLAYER NAME HERE’ part of the command with the actual name of the Player who you want to be the victim of Herobrine.

/execute as PLAYER NAME HERE positioned as @s run function zpig.play_herobrine_ambience

  • Plays a spooky ambiance sound to the Player.

/execute as PLAYER NAME HERE positioned as @s run function zpig.play_herobrine_stone_footsteps

  • Plays the sound of Herobrine walking over Stone to the Player.

/execute as PLAYER NAME HERE positioned as @s run function zpig.reset_herobrine_anger

  • Resets a Player’s ‘Herobrine Anger’ value back to 0. Your Herobrine Anger value increases when you see Herobrine. The more Herobrine Anger you have, the more likely Herobrine is to spawn in a more dangerous form. (I plan to expand upon the Herobrine Anger feature in future updates.)

/execute as PLAYER NAME HERE positioned as @s run function zpig.summon_herobrine

  • Summons Herobrine near the Player. Herobrine can spawn in any of his forms when summoned using this command.

/execute as PLAYER NAME HERE positioned as @s run function zpig.summon_herobrine_altar

  • Spawns a Herobrine Altar somewhere near the Player. The Altars are the key to summoning the Herobrine Boss. Maybe if you figure out the phrase and build Herobrine his own Altar…

/execute as PLAYER NAME HERE positioned as @s run function zpig.summon_herobrine_attack

  • Summons Herobrine in his ‘Attack’ form near the Player. If the Player’s crosshair goes near Herobrine, then he will scream and lunge at the Player.

/execute as PLAYER NAME HERE positioned as @s run function zpig.summon_herobrine_boss

  • Summons Herobrine in his ‘Boss’ form. The more damage Herobrine takes, the more he starts shaking. Upon defeating the Boss, all natural Herobrine activity will be disabled. Use the /function zpig.toggle_herobrine_activity command to reenable it.

/execute as PLAYER NAME HERE positioned as @s run function zpig.summon_herobrine_dont_turn_around

  • Summons Herobrine in his ‘Don’t Turn Around’ form behind the Player. The Player will hear a low-pitch sound building up behind them, and they won’t be able to move until they turn around, at which point Herobrine disappears.

/execute as PLAYER NAME HERE positioned as @s run function zpig.summon_herobrine_glimpse

  • Summons Herobrine in his ‘Glimpse’ form near the Player. When Herobrine appears on-screen for the Player, he will immediately disappear, leaving them questioning if they even saw him in the first place.

/execute as PLAYER NAME HERE positioned as @s run function zpig.summon_herobrine_nightmare

  • Doesn’t exactly summon Herobrine, but instead tags a Player so that the next time they try to go to sleep, Herobrine will appear before them and give them a ‘Nightmare’.

/execute as PLAYER NAME HERE positioned as @s run function zpig.summon_herobrine_sign

  • Spawns a Herobrine Sign somewhere near the Player. Sometimes, a rare Sign will spawn that has gray text instead of black text. These rare signs have important clues about Herobrine.

/execute as PLAYER NAME HERE positioned as @s run function zpig.summon_herobrine_special_sign

  • Spawns a special Herobrine Sign somewhere near the Player. These special Signs are written in italics and are even rarer than the gray text signs. On these Signs are questions that Herobrine has written. If you delete the text of the Sign and type either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, Herobrine will write back a response.

/execute as PLAYER NAME HERE positioned as @s run function zpig.summon_herobrine_stalk

  • Summons Herobrine in his ‘Stalk’ form near the Player. If the Player’s crosshair goes near Herobrine, then he will disappear.

/execute as PLAYER NAME HERE positioned as @s run function zpig.summon_herobrine_torch_deepslate

  • Spawns a Herobrine Redstone Torch somewhere near the Player if they are around Deepslate. The Player will hear the sound of Herobrine mining Deepslate and placing the Redstone Torch.

/function zpig.remove_random_torch

  • Removes a random Player-placed Torch from the world.

/function zpig.toggle_herobrine_activity

  • Enables or disables Herobrine activity. The Herobrine function commands will still work, but Herobrine will not do anything naturally.

/scriptevent zpig:nightmare_chance NUMBER HERE (Optional.)

  • It can change the chance of having a Nightmare when sleeping. If entered without a number, the command will simply state the current chance of having a Nightmare when sleeping.



  • You can also adjust the frequency of Herobrine’s spawning using the behavior pack’s subpacks.

Installation Note:

  • This addon doesn’t require any Experimental Gameplay.

How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE

How To Install Map on Minecraft PE

Twisted Shadows Addon (1.21, 1.20) Download Links

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21, 1.20

Behavior: Download from server 1Download from server 2

Resource: Download from server 1Download from server 2

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