Tired of the same old zombie addons with unrealistic abilities and just reskinned versions of the vanilla zombie? Undeadcraft Addon (1.21, 1.20) offers a refreshing take on zombie survival by featuring improved animations, realistic zombie hordes, and smarter AI with unique abilities. Say goodbye to spitfire zombies and hello to a zombie experience that is both challenging and logically consistent. This addon offers a unique twist on zombie survival by incorporating new zombie versions of other mobs, each with abilities that vary depending on the effects of zombification. Say goodbye to the predictable and embrace a truly immersive zombie experience.


This addon enhances the zombie experience in Minecraft by adding a range of variants for all humanoid zombies, improving AI, better animations, zombie horde mechanics, and new zombie variants for other mobs. Players can even turn into zombies themselves, bringing a true “Zombie Apocalypse” feel to survival play.

Improved Animations

The models and animations of all humanoid zombies have been updated to make the zombies feel more believable. This includes tweaked animations for actions like walking, running, and attacking, custom animations for behaviors added by this addon, and even custom spawn and death animations.

AI and Spawning Enhancements

Zombies are now neutral to each other, and they can’t harm each other, including new zombies added by this addon and the player if they become a zombie. Humanoid zombies now rise out of the ground when they spawn, instead of appearing suddenly. They are hostile to all non-undead mobs, including other monsters, but their primary focus is the player. The exception to this is zombie piglins, which ignore the player if they are wearing gold armor and have a smaller detection range for non-piglin entities.

Zombies spawn less frequently, but when they do, they may call for reinforcements when they target a player. In some cases, zombies can also spawn in huge hordes.


Basic zombies and zombie villagers can transform into either drowned or husks. The drowned transformation works as usual, except they no longer drop their armor. To transform into a husk, the zombie must take sun damage, and with each instance of damage, there’s an increasing chance they’ll turn into a husk and stop burning. This transformation doesn’t reset the entity, and they keep their health, names, trades (for zombie villagers), and other attributes.

New Variants

All humanoid zombies, except for villagers, have new variants with special abilities. Zombie piglins have an additional variant that uses a crossbow and behaves the same as a regular piglin with a crossbow.

Ender Pearl User Zombie

  • These zombies carry ender pearls with them and throw them to reach their target if is too far away, they aren’t hard to kill, especially since the ender pearl also hurts them. But if you are distracted they can take you by surprise, knock you off a cliff or something, or even with some bad luck spawn an endermite that could help them to kill you. All projectiles thrown by zombies can go through them so don’t try to shield yourself with another one to avoid the ender pearl.

Potion User Zombie

  • These zombies could be friends of the witches because if they don’t spam random splash potions (not yet) they actually can use potions on themselves, they can drink strength potions to deal more damage, speed ones to reach you faster, or invisibility ones to make you hard to hit them, also they can protect themselves from fire with fire resistance and heal using instant damage being almost impossible to kill without at least a stone sword.

Miner Zombie

  • These zombies carry a random tool with them, that can use to break blocks and open a path to kill you, unlike what their name could suggest they can also break wood and dirt-like blocks if they have an axe or shovel, there’s no block that the player can break and they can’t if they have the right tool, so you can’t just protect your house with a 2 block tall dirt wall, you can use obsidian since zombies with diamond pickaxe are rare, or if you dint like this variant just turn mob griefing off, it will prevent both creepers and these zombies to destroy your building if you don’t like the idea.

Builder Zombie

  • The counterpart of the previous one, this variant is able to build bridges and stairs using dirt to reach its target, other zombies can use the paths they create too. Like the previous one you can prevent them from filling your building with dirt if mob griefing is turned off, but that’s the decision of each one.

Tackler Zombie

  • If you are familiar with zombie apocalypse video games maybe you have found something similar to this. This kind of zombie has a simple and effective ability, they run as hell when a target is able to reach you even sprinting and leaping at their target if is far enough, dealing damage and dragging it with them being able of taking the player down from small towers or make them fall on lava pits and high cliffs. But if you manage to dodge its attack you can use the few seconds they need to get up to kill them. As drowned they can’t leap if they are underwater but keep their speed while swimming.

Ranged Zombies

  • The last three are something special, these zombies are specialized in ranged attack, but what variant appears depends on how they spawn. If a zombie spawns on land they have a chance of spawning as an archer, but if they spawn underwater the archers will be replaced for drowned with tridents, also all three of them have a greater vision range than other variants because of the nature of their attack and can detect things covered by blocks, but all zombies do that.

Archer Zombie

  • Archer zombies prefer ranged combat, so when they see a target instead of running at it they start to shoot their bow, they, however, are very different from your normal skeleton, they shoot fast, from really far away, and move a bit after each shoot trying to keep distance and avoid other kinds of ranged attacks like a player that is trying to kill them with its own bow. Kill one of these can be a pin without a proper weapon or if you are just bad with the bow, but if you can avoid the arrows and reach the zombie killing it will be easy if the target is too close they just give up and start attacking melee instead of just spamming arrows to something that is 3 blocks away from them as their cousins with less meat.

Drowned with Trident

  • They are basically the same ones as the vanilla drowned with tridents, same range, but have the extended vision range, can see through blocks, and can attack melee if the target is close enough, and consider that tridents deal 9 damage per hit if used on melee combat plus the drowned base attack, archers are better fighting from far away, but this zombie can be considered a more balanced kind of fighter, it’s kinda boring the creator know but they have a special subvariant.

Riptide Trident Drowned

  • One enchantment, one enchantment, and these things go from average to absolutely OP (for a mob at least). These zombies instead of throwing tridents throw themselves using their riptide trident, being able of taking you by surprise and deal a lot of damage in the process, but the same as players to use this ability they need some form of water, even rain but they need it to do this attack. They are really OP on water or rain zooming around and killing every villager or player with no armor they can see but take them to a dry place and become nothing more but a basic zombie with a weapon that does 9 damage per hit, well that’s still hard to deal with XD. The good or bad part depending on how you see it is that they constantly find nearby water to use their tridents, even if the target is nearest than the water, so if you outsmart the drowned you can either run away from it or kill it with a bow (easier said than done) and because they can drop their trident already enchanted can be a really good idea.

Zombie Hordes

  • Zombie hordes an a special event added to the addon, this has a chance to spawn between every 1 to 3 hrs, if they do, around 15 zombies will spawn around with random abilities, and some miners and builders are granted. This group of zombies moves together and can attack players 200 blocks away from them, even without seeing them. So if one spawns you have two options, you either leave the zone before they reach you or find a good place and fight back. Fighting one can be annoying if they spawn in your base and miners start breaking the walls, but you can just turn off mob griefing and they won’t be able to place or break any blocks giving you an easier time fighting. Still, their numbers are a great danger alone.

New Zombie Mobs

  • This addon adds a few zombie versions of vanilla mobs that don’t have any normally, they gain different abilities depending on how the zombification affects them, they appear either when a zombie kills their base form, or naturally (except for the zombie enderman) plenty more are planned for the future.

Zombie Slime

  • When slimes get infected, they start to rot and lose cohesion, but rather than a bad thing, this gives them the edge in battle, as the smaller ones can leave a poisonous trail behind them as they move, and they can fuse together growing bigger, stronger, but also slower. If left unchecked, and with enough slimes, they can fuse and grow into gargantuan sizes, being able to one-shot a player without armor, however, if they receive damage, they split and each and spawn smaller slimes depending on the damage taken, losing strength but also being able to recover if the smaller slime fuse back, or creating reinforcements for the bigger one.
  • Zombie slimes can swarm you easily, but due to their lack of cohesion, water can deal with them very easily, even the bigger of them shrinks rapidly as the smaller ones they spawn die instantly if inside of water, being the most effective way to deal with them.

Zombie Creeper

  • When Creepers become zombies, their torso rots and barely stick to the body supported by few bones and muscle. It becomes very delicate and explodes with the slightest hit scattering blood and poisoning everything nearby, this of course doesn’t affect’s too much the creeper since is a zombie already, only having 10 hp instead of 20, but keeping their mobility and explosive capabilities.
  • Their rotted torso serves as a decoy, but also as a projectile that their explosion launches in the air if they still have it when excluding the tnt on their bodies. Because of this, it can be hard to deal with them. You can actually harm them without exploding their torso and getting poisoned, you have to hit their legs but this can be difficult, so instead is better to just make the torso explode using a projectile and then attack them safely, this can be an arrow, egg, snowball, or a pebble, new projectile added that is craftable by using just 1 cobblestone block, this actually deal some damage so you could use them to kill other zombies too, but aren’t very effective.

Zombie Enderman

  • This kind of zombie doesnt spawns naturally, you need to make a zombie kill one themselves.
  • Zombie enderman, unlike other zombies, don’t rot when transforming, but instead due to their unique anatomy, they lose control of their teleportation abilities, and the matter of their bodies becomes very unsstable, harming anyone who comes nearby.
  • This mob is normally neutral to everything, like normal endermans, but if you hit it or looks at their eyes they get very agresive, teleporting right where you are and attacking you, fighting them is hard as every time something hit them, it glitch , takes damage and randomly teleports to a nearby location, so it’s better not to mess with them, even if you manage to kill them, they lose all stability and start glithcning before diying on a gaint explosion, (as creeper explosions you can’t make it not break blocks turning mob grefing off).
  • However, if you manage to kill one and survive, you can get a special ender pearl, that allows you to glitch and travel to yout same location in another dimension, from the nether to the overworld and from the overworld to the nether, without a portal.

Player Zombification

  • This is an optional feature that uses player.json, needs to be installed apart, and can be omitted if makes the addon incompatible with others or you don’t like it, more details in the installation guide.
  • If the player is killed by any zombie mob, they respawn as a zombie, this gives the player advantages and disadvantages


  • Zombified players are immune to all sources of damage coming from any zombie, including projectiles and explosions, as well all zombies won’t neutral to them
  • Zombie Players can do a tackle if they jump while jumping, this works the same as the tackler’s zombie ability.
  • They have permanent night vision
  • They can trade with zombie villagers
  • You can zombify other mobs (and players) by killing them yourself.
  • In a higher base attack, you deal basic zombie damage without weapons.


  • Hunger falls quicker while moving without sneaking
  • There’s a cooldown on their attacks
  • Mining blocks normally is almost impossible, they need to “hit” the block with a proper tool, but mining this way is faster than a regular player’s mining.
  • All mobs consider you a monster, making some of them like golems hostile to you
  • Non-zombie monsters still attack you
  • You can’t trade with non-zombie villagers
  • You can’t harm any zombie

As regular zombies, zombie players can transform into husks or be drowned, by the same means, as a husk they are immune to sunlight, but as a drowned, they can swim (they can’t as a normal zombie) the transformation reverts back to a regular zombie if they die.

To revert back to a human, all you need to do is drink a weak potion and eat a golden apple, or use the “Unzombifier” if you have access to creative mode.

Zombie Villagers

  • Zombie villagers behave almost like regular zombies, including their transformations into drowned or husk variants, which are new to this addon. They don’t have any special abilities like builders or miners.
  • Zombie Villagers now are able to stay in their villages even as zombies, they sleep during the day to avoid sunlight, and wonder at night even able to use doors, unlike regular zombies. They keep their trades and level from their non-zombie form and can be traded with if you are a zombie too since they don’t work their trades and restock after they sleep, so if you wanna make a zombie trading hall for some reason, make sure they have a bed.
  • They are cured like normal and keep their trades when being cured, but you won’t be able to trade with them until you cure yourself. So it will be up to you if keep them as zombies or not, depending on if you can stay a human yourself (or if you even activated that option).

Installation Note:

  • The player zombification is a separate Behavior Pack from the main one with all the new mobs, so is optional to use it or not, it uses the player.json so keep that in mind if you activate it
  • Remember, you can turn off mob griefing to prevent all zombies from breaking or placing blocks in any way.
  • The addon has performance has been enhanced, but if you still have problems with it tell me on my discord server.
  • This addon can be used on realms, you need to activate experimental gameplay first, a way to do that install the add-on on a world manually, and then upload that map with the addons and experimental gameplay activated.

How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE

How To Install Map on Minecraft PE

Undeadcraft Addon (1.21, 1.20) Download Links

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.19

Behavior: Download from server 1Download from server 2

Resource: Download from server 1Download from server 2

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21, 1.20

Behavior: Download from server 1Download from server 2

Resource: Download from server 1Download from server 2

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