Unexpected Past is an adventure map created by PmkExpert. If you are tired of jumping around in parkour map and getting lost countless times in maze games, then take a break and jump into our map where you can experience the true spirit of “adventure time”. This map features the story behind two adults named Josh and Cheryl, in which they encountered a mystery, unexpected part of their lives. Your mission is to follow their stories and find out what actually happened. With an immersive dialogue system, simple puzzles, animated characters, and dozens of custom models and textures, it is guaranteed to provide at least one hour of the quality game span. Only a single player is supported but if you have any friends nearby, grab them anyway and solving a mystery together in first view person. Good luck!
Unexpected Past Map Thumbnail


Unexpected Past Map Screenshots (1)

Unexpected Past Map Screenshots (2)

Unexpected Past Map Screenshots (3)

Unexpected Past Map Screenshots (4)

Unexpected Past Map Screenshots (5)

Unexpected Past Map Screenshots (6)

Unexpected Past Map Screenshots (7)

Unexpected Past Map Screenshots (8)

Unexpected Past Map Screenshots (9)

Unexpected Past Map Screenshots (10)

Unexpected Past Map Screenshots (11)

Unexpected Past Map Screenshots (12)



  • Please do not play on any other version or it may not work!
  • You should set Render Distance to 12 or upper.

How to install:

  1. Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Minecraft Maps

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Unexpected Past Map Download Links

For Minecraft 1.15.x

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