Unnamed Animals Mod (1.16.5) introduces the game to a new biome filled with wonderful and unique creatures. These creatures are pretty rare even in real life, and the eyes do not often see them as ordinary but instead the experienced explorers. With the implementation of these exotic animals, players who stay all day indoors can finally see for themselves how marvelous these rare creatures are. In addition, the Mod adds a new biome to the game where new animals will be able to spawn and live; New blocks are also added with functionality to decorate, such as mud, salt, and rich farmland. There are also new food items added to increase the variety of Mods. Furthermore, introducing a new land also instills many players’ exploration instinct.

Unnamed Animals Mod


  • New Biomes and a plethora of new creatures were introduced.


Unnamed Animals Mod Screenshots 1

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Minecraft Forge

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For Minecraft 1.16.5

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