Homepage » Minecraft Mods » Up And Down And All Around Mod 1.12.2, 1.11.2 (Having Fun With Gravity Controllers)
Up And Down And All Around Mod 1.12.2, 1.11.2 (Having Fun With Gravity Controllers)
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June 9, 2020
Up And Down And All Around Mod 1.12.2 is a mod that lets you change the direction that gravity moves players.
Up And Down And All Around (Up And Down for short) allow players to change the direction of their gravity to any of the cardinal directions (up, down, north, east, south and west).
(If you are using this mod with galacticraft/advanced rocketry or other mods that take you above y=255, you will want to edit the config so that you don’t take damage/die when above y=255)
Gravity Generators change players’ gravity in an area.
Gravity Controllers change your gravity when they’re in your inventory and allow you to change gravity direction at will.
Gravity Anchors cannot have their direction changed, but they are cheap to craft and overpower other early-game sources of gravity. Take care when crafting them as they will take effect the instant you pick them up out of a crafting table.
Current Items And Crafting Recipes:
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Anti-Mass will sometimes drop when mining ores. You will be able to tell, as one of the items dropped by the block you mined will start floating and bouncing around.
The drop chance and amount dropped can be controlled in the config.
FakePlayers will instead add the Anti-Mass item directly into the drops of the block, so you won’t find lots of floating ores in your quarry.
(the Amulet/Ring/Belt/etc baubles you can see in the creative tab are a WIP as they have no crafting recipes or normal textures, they might be removed before release)
Liquid Anti-Mass is used as a crafting material.
The top recipe returns 4 empty buckets in the crafting grid and the bottom recipe returns 3 empty buckets in the crafting grid
Weak Gravity Generators are the cheapest and lowest priority gravity generators
Normal Gravity Generators are the middle tier of Gravity Generators
Strong gravity generators are the most expensive and highest priority gravity generators
Anti-Mass Blocks are used in crafting and can also be used as a decorative block or as a storage block
The Personal Gravity Controller is the middle tier of Gravity Controllers, overpowering both Weak and Normal Gravity Generators. The crafting recipe takes any Basic Gravity Controller.
The Basic Gravity Controller is the cheapest Gravity Controller and overpowers Weak Gravity Generators. The crafting recipe takes any Gravity Anchor
The Ultimate Gravity Controller has the highest priority of all. The crafting recipe takes any Personal Gravity Controller either on the top or left (as in this picture) or on the bottom or right of the crafting grid. The centre item is a Spacetime Anomaly (it has an animated texture).
Gravity Anchors are the earliest hand-held control over gravity that you can create and will overpower all but Strong gravity. Take care when crafting them, as they will apply their gravity effect even when picked up with the mouse cursor when in an inventory.
Gravity Anchors are the earliest hand-held control over gravity that you can create and will overpower all but Strong gravity. Take care when crafting them, as they will apply their gravity effect even when picked up with the mouse cursor when in an inventory.
Gravity Anchors are the earliest hand-held control over gravity that you can create and will overpower all but Strong gravity. Take care when crafting them, as they will apply their gravity effect even when picked up with the mouse cursor when in an inventory.
Gravity Anchors are the earliest hand-held control over gravity that you can create and will overpower all but Strong gravity. Take care when crafting them, as they will apply their gravity effect even when picked up with the mouse cursor when in an inventory.
Gravity Anchors are the earliest hand-held control over gravity that you can create and will overpower all but Strong gravity. Take care when crafting them, as they will apply their gravity effect even when picked up with the mouse cursor when in an inventory.
Gravity Anchors are the earliest hand-held control over gravity that you can create and will overpower all but Strong gravity. Take care when crafting them, as they will apply their gravity effect even when picked up with the mouse cursor when in an inventory.
Grav-Iron is a crafting ingredient
Graviton Pearls are crafting ingredients, but can also be used to push/pull nearby entities by holding right click and sneaking to switch between the two modes.
The push/pull effect is not very powerful compared to most items from other mods with a similar ability, but is reasonably good at pulling items and pushing projectiles.
The Spacetime Anomaly is only a crafting ingredient (for now)
Gravity Paste can be crafted with any armour or bauble to enable interaction with Normal strength gravity. By default, you need to wear 4 pieces of armour/baubles with Gravity Paste, but this can be changed in the config.
Gravity Paste can be removed from amour/baubles by crafting them with a Water Bucket
Grav-Iron equipment enables interaction with Weak gravity and can be crafted like normal Iron Armour, but with a bucket of Liquid Anti-Mass or by crafting the armour itself with the liquid.
Grav-Iron equipment has notably less armour than normal Iron armor.
Gravity Goggles allow you to see the area of effect of Gravity Generators when worn or held in your hand. The recipe takes any glass block.
Destabilised Anti-Mass is a crafting ingredient. By default, it will be destroyed if dropped, but this can be disabled in the config.
Restabilised Anti-Mass is a crafting ingredient
Example Gravity Paste crafting
Example Gravity Paste removal
Basic Gravity Controller, enabled to to wearing a Grav-Iron Chestplate.
Gravity Controllers will always show their currently active direction
Choosing a new direction will disable the old one
Without wearing a piece of Grav-Iron equipment, the Basic Gravity Controller will have no effect
Gravity Controllers show how many pieces of equipment you need to wear and how many you’re currently wearing in their tooltip
Grav-Iron equipment counts as 4 pieces of equipment with Gravity Paste. This can be changed in the config
Equipment that enables interaction with a particular gravity type will show details in the tooltip as well
Equipment that enables interaction with a particular gravity type will show details in the tooltip as well
If you don’t have enough pieces of equipment the tooltip will reflect that
Or if you have more than you need it will show that too
The Ultimate Gravity Controller doesn’t need any worn equipment to take effect
Particles will spawn within the area Gravity Generators will effect.
Gravity Goggles will show a white box for a Weak field, purple box for a Normal field or a blue box for a Strong field
Gravity Generators have a GUI for changing the area/volume they affect. The (Y)/(X)/(Z) signify the relative X/Y/Z directions as seen by someone affected by the Gravity Generator.
Now a 5x5x5 box
If a Gravity Generator is not active, the box will be more transparent and it won’t spawn any particles.
Gravity Anchors similarly don’t require any worn equipment to work