Weapons And Tools Survival Expansion Addon (1.21, 1.20) adds new swords, pickaxes, axes, shovels, and hoes for your Minecraft survival worlds. Master new weaponry and find your favorites with unique and original weapons and tools. Acquired from the Workbench, Weapons range from Daggers, Scythes, Longswords, Combat Shovels, Maces and Longswords, Lumberjack Axes, Sickles, and more! Find what works for you with many of the weapons & tools having special separate abilities such as Treecapitator, Veinminer, potion effects, and much more!


This addon comes with nearly 100 weapons and tools to play with.

Swords, Axes, Pickaxes, Shovels, Hoes, Scythes, Sickles, Spears, and different variants of these weapons and tools can be made!


  • The workbench serves as a way to get new weapons and tools

  • A look into the variety of weapons and tools you can make below

Smithing Table

  • Upgrade your diamond weapons to netherite like normal

Here Is a List of All The Available Weapon and Tool Types:

Weapons & Tools


  • DMG> 3-7
  • Ability- A Lightweight Weapon, Interact with this sword to dash into a rapid sprint burst for a limited duration. Most useful for traversing your worlds where no other sword or tool can help you, an excellent Hotbar choice for the sheer versatility of this sword


  • DMG> 3-7
  • Ability- A Useful Weapon, Interact with this sword to have an increased sprint speed for a limited time. Most useful in close-quarters combat when speed outshines any other sword or tool. this sword can also be used for traversing your worlds due to the increased sprint speed upon interaction with this tool


  • DMG> 5-9
  • Ability- A Long Bladed Weapon, Increased Damage due to this sword’s increased length. High damage allows for the user of this sword to have an increased advantage over any other typical sword or tool.


  • DMG> 7-11
  • Ability- A Heavily Weighted High Damage Weapon with a Long Cooldown. This tool favors those who enjoy getting close to the front of battle with high damage for a high reward. Outclasses most other swords or tools in terms of raw damage.

Double Ended Swords

  • DMG> 6-10
  • Ability- Double Weapons, Double Swords, Double the fun. Effective when no one has your back as this sword has well two double ends.

Amethyst Tipped Swords

  • DMG> 5-9
  • Ability- An Increase Damage Weapon due to an Amethyst tip weighted upon the sword resulting in a natural increase in sharpness of the blade of this sword which allows for effective cutting through of hostile mobs


  • DMG> 4-8
  • Ability- A Treecutters Trusted tool. An Increased Damage Axe Unable to strip wood as a trade-off of this tool’s high damage, serves as a handy secondary weapon


  • DMG> 4-8
  • Ability- An Increased damage pickaxe this tool is still capable of being a secondary weapon whilst deep in the mines no need to switch to any other sword or tool when attacked by mobs when this tool does the job just fine.


  • DMG> 3-7
  • Ability- A Useful Weapon and Tool Hybrid, High Damage Shovel Unable to path grass as a trade-off is able to be upgraded to a combat variant of the tool with further increased damage making it more comparable to a sword or any other high damage tool

Combat Spades

  • DMG> 4-8
  • Ability- A Combat Ready Spade with increased damage, This tool serves as a replacement for the traditional sword or weapon whilst also remaining as a useful secondary tool

Combat Shovels

  • DMG> 3-7
  • Ability- A Combat Ready Shovel still able to path grass, This Tool serves as a replacement for the traditional sword or weapon whilst also remaining as a useful secondary tool


  • DMG> 5-9
  • Ability- A High Damage Weapon also able to till a larger area of land compared to a traditional tool and hoe, the best tool also for destroying leaves whilst remaining as an effective secondary sword/weapon

Dirt Tools

  • DMG> 0.5-3
  • Ability- Cheap Equipment and Weaponry for early game, the sword, axe, pickaxe, shovel, and hoe all have the same durability as gold but as good mining speed as stone


  • DMG> 4-4
  • Ranged Damage> 7-11
  • Ability- Throwable Weapon able to penetrate through multiple entities at once. This tool proves its worth in hunting where the traditional sword and tool lack range

Brush Axes

  • DMG> 5-9
  • Ability- A Long Axe is Most Effective as a tool for Cutting Down Trees and is especially efficient as a cheap versatile weapon. This tool is able to keep up with other axes whilst also coming at half the cost of a standard axe

Double Axe

  • DMG> 6-10
  • Ability- Double Axe is Most Efficient as a Tool and a Weapon for Cutting Down Mobs and Trees. This tool also has a slightly increased mining speed for cutting down trees due to the high cost of this tool.


  • DMG> 4-8
  • Ability- A Brutal Weapon, This tool also Causes Mobs to take further damage after hit. Serves as an effective finisher tool just to finish to the job.

Vaibhav Sickles

  • DMG> 3-7
  • Ability- A Cheaper Sickle, this tool also causes mobs to take further damage after hit, and still Serves as an effective secondary weapon despite being half the price of a sickle and or any other tool


  • DMG> 3-7
  • Ability- A Weapon and Tool Hybrid being an Axe and a Hoe, able to Chop wood whilst still being able to till dirt proving its worth as an efficient and useful tool

Felling Axes

  • DMG> 5-9
  • Ability- A Strong Weapon able to destroy wood types at quicker speeds. This tool is also rather handy in combat situations due to this tool’s increased damage.

Lumberjack Axes

  • DMG> 5-9
  • Ability- A Treecapitator Weapon able to destroy/chop down an entire tree at once. To use the treecapitator simply interact with this tool whilst looking at a tree and watch the treecapitator go to work. Treecapitator also destroys all wood types meaning it is also useful in building applications. However, as a trade-off using treecapitator uses a considerable amount of the durability of the tool.


  • DMG> 5-9
  • Ability- A Traditional Japanese tool that serves as a Powerful Weapon. Due to this tool’s higher damage, it functions well as a backup weapon in case you ever caught off guard while using this tool to cut down trees

Bowie Knifes

  • DMG> 5-9
  • Ability- An Incredibly Strong Weapon that causes mobs to take further damage upon hit. This can also be used as a tool for sneaking upon players and backstabbing them as the view model for this sword is very discrete


  • DMG> 3-7
  • Ability- a Showy weapon that allows holders to gain a jump boost ability upon the interaction of the tool. This tool serves its purpose mainly by traversing high mountains especially the golden variant of this tool which allows the user to jump an extra 3 blocks into the air. This tool also comes in handy for fights as well allowing the user that interacts with the tool to remain mobile in the air ultimately evading attacks from mobs or players


  • DMG> 4-8
  • Ability- A Gladiatorial weapon when interacting with this tool gives the user defensive capabilities when no other weapon or tool can. The most effective is pairing this sword with a higher damage sword or tool to dish out more damage and more defense.


  • DMG> 7-11
  • Ability- An Immensely Strong weapon with a fragile yet powerful blade, as a result, this weapon has half the traditional durability of a typical weapon or tool. Most effective when paired with the otta which when the player interacts with the tool gives the player a further increase in damage resulting in a deadly combo with great synergy between sword and tool


  • DMG> 3-7
  • Ability- An Indian Martial arts tool able to also be used as a weapon in close-range encounters. Upon hitting a mob with this weapon it will begin to take further damage. Interacting with this tool also grants the player a brief boost in strength allowing the effects to be combined with other weapons and tools

Cutless Swords

  • DMG> 5-9
  • Ability- A True Pirates Sword this weapon not only looks cool but serves as a tool for underwater ventures. When Interacted with this weapon gives the user Conduit Power for a considerable amount of time allowing the user to breathe underwater for longer. Most useful to bring as a secondary tool for dealing with those pesky ocean monuments!

Sledge Hammers

  • DMG> 7-11
  • Ability- This Destructive Tool not only serves as an Immensely strong weapon but allows for the Veinminer of surrounding blocks! When Interacting with this weapon, this Veinminer tool will create a 3×3 hole, at the cost of some of this tool’s Veinminer durability. Due to this weapon being incredibly heavy, when attacking a mob you will receive a considerable cooldown until the next attack. As a result, this tool is best used for its Veinminer capabilities as you can: Vienmine ores, Veinmine blocks, and even Veinmine trees.


  • DMG> 5-9
  • Ability- This Ancient Caveman’s tool not only allows for brutal damage upon impact with this tool but also conserves its durability of the tool, as this tool has a 50% extra durability bonus from attacking mobs and using the tool as a whole.

Planishing Hammer

  • DMG> 3-7
  • Ability- The Handyman’s favorite tool, this tool allows for the smoothing out of rough-textured blocks. For example, upon interacting with cobblestones using this tool it will convert the cobblestone into a stone block. The same then also applies when using this tool on a stone block the output will be a smooth stone block. This tool excels in building applications where it’s more convenient to convert blocks on the fly with this tool rather than smelting and crafting the smooth variants of blocks.

Brushing Hammers

  • DMG> 3-7
  • Ability- A builder’s Favorite tool, This tool allows for the roughening of smooth blocks. For example, upon interacting with a smooth stone block using this tool it will convert the smooth stone block into a stone block. The same also applies when using this tool on a stone block the output will be a cobblestone block. This tool is most useful in detailing of builds where it’s quicker and more convenient to run around the build with this tool making minor detail changes rather than destroying and placing entirely new blocks, this tool does the job for you.

Installation Note:

  • Make sure you activated these “Experimental Settings”.

How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE

How To Install Map on Minecraft PE

Weapons And Tools Survival Expansion Addon (1.21, 1.20) Download Links

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.19

Main Pack Behavior: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

Main Pack Resource: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

3D Weapon Pack Behavior: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

3D Weapon Pack Resource: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

Salvage Pack Behavior: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

Salvage Pack Resource: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.20

Behavior: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

Resource: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21

Main Pack Behavior: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

Main Pack Resource: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

3D Weapon Pack Behavior: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2 (DLC)

3D Weapon Pack Resource: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2 (DLC)

Salvage Pack Behavior: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2 (DLC)

Salvage Pack Resource: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2 (DLC)

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