Wolf armor is an item crafted from armadillo scutes and can be equipped on wolves to provide protection against incoming damage.


Item in inventory:

Defense point: 11 ( × 5.5)

Durability: Infinity

Rarity color: Common

Renewable: Yes

Stackable: No



 6 Armadillo Scute


Only adult tamed wolves can wear armor.


Using wolf armor on a wolf that the player has tamed equips it onto the wolf.

Wolf armor provides the wolf with an armor value of 11 ( × 5.5), which is the same amount of protection diamond horse armor gives to a horse.

If the owner uses shears on a wolf that is wearing armor, the armor gets unequipped from the wolf.

If a wolf dies while equipped with wolf armor, the armor is dropped.


Unlike player armor, wolf armor does not have durability. This means a single wolf armor can be used infinitely unless it is destroyed through other means.

Data Values


Java Edition:

Name Identifier From Translation key
Wolf Armor wolf_armor Item item.minecraft.wolf_armor

Bedrock Edition:

Name Identifier Numeric ID From Translation key
Wolf Armor wolf_armor 708 Item item.wolf_armor.name
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