World’s Best Building Addon (1.19) contains a whopping 7,928 new blocks in total! Among them, you will find 25 distinct shapes made of each material that can be rotated. Additionally, it introduces new elements like Concrete Stairs and Slabs, Vertical Carpet, Gold and Copper Bars, Diagonal Fences, Vine Covered Fences, Red Nether Brick Fences, Copper and Gold Chains, New Colorful Torches, Torches of Every Wood Type, New Colorful lanterns, and 144 fresh hues of wood planks and fences.


In this addon, you’ll discover an impressive collection of 7,928 new blocks. Among them, you can craft 25 fresh shapes using nearly any material, and you have the freedom to rotate them in any direction using the new wrench tool. Additionally, you can enjoy 144 new shades of wood planks and colorful fences.

But that’s not all:

  • Concrete Stairs and Slabs
  • Vertical Carpet (Called Tapestry)
  • Gold and Copper Bars
  • Diagonal Metal Bars
  • Metal Bars with Vertical/Horizontal Texture
  • Copper Bars Actually Oxidize
  • Diagonal Fences
  • Vine Covered Fences
  • Red Nether Brick Fence
  • Copper and Gold Chains
  • Chains actually connect, similar to fences.
  • Copper chains actually oxidize
  • Diagonal Chains
  • 16 New Colorful Torches
  • Torches of Every Wood Type
  • Torchlight level is adjustable
  • 48 New Colorful lanterns
  • Lanterns come in gold, copper, or iron
  • The Lantern Light level is adjustable
  •  Adds copper nugget and red nether brick

How to Use Stonecutter Shapes

1. Place a block into a stonecutter to obtain the shapes.

2. To craft the Wrench, place three iron ingots into a crafting table.

3. To rotate a shape, simply right-click while holding a wrench. You can hold it in either hand. Keep right-clicking until it is facing the direction that you want.

4. Alternatively if you do not want to use the wrench, you can right click with an empty hand while crouching.

How to Use Colorful Planks

You obtain the new planks by surrounding any color of dye with wood in a crafting table like the image below.

​Each wood type produces a different shade of color. Some wood types are bright and some are dull!

The new shapes are obtained using a stonecutter.

Craft the Wrench by placing 3 iron ingots into a crafting table diagonally.

​You can rotate shapes by right-clicking them with the wrench in EITHER HAND.

Alternatively, you may right-click it with an empty hand + crouch to rotate the block.

You can also craft fences, fence gates, slabs, and stairs (using the vanilla recipes)

How to Use Colorful Torches

1. There are two ways to craft a colorful torch. The first way is to place a dye above a coal and stick.

2. The second way is to simply put a dye above an existing torch. This way is much less efficient.

3. You can adjust their light level anywhere between 1 to 15 by simply crouching and right clicking with an empty hand.

4. If a torch does not appear correct when placed, try using the Torch II version of that torch by simply placing the torch into a crafting slot. Torch II behaves a little bit more like fences in the sense that they will “connect” to anything near them.

How to use Lanterns

1. To craft a lantern, simply surround a colorful torch with either gold nuggets, copper nuggets, or iron nuggets.

2. You can adjust the light level by right clicking while crouching with an empty hand.

3. It’s possible to make hanging lanterns. Just be sure to LOOK STRAIGHT UP when placing them.

How to use different torch woods

1. To craft different wood-type torches, simply place a single wooden plank below the stick and coal in the crafting grid.

​2. You can adjust their light level anywhere between 1 to 15 by simply crouching and right clicking with an empty hand.

3. If a torch does not appear correct when placed, try using the Torch II version of that torch by simply placing the torch into a crafting slot. Torch II behave a little bit more like fences in the sense that they will “connect” to anything near them.

How to use metal bars

1. You are now able to craft copper and gold bars.

2. Placing them into a crafting slot allows you to craft the diagonal version.

3. You can also rotate the texture to be either vertical or horizontal by crouching and right clicking with an empty hand.

4. The copper bars will oxidize very quickly. To stop them from oxidizing, you must combine them with honeycomb in a crafting grid to wax them.

How to use Chains

1. You are now able to craft chains out of iron, gold, or copper.

2. These chains will connect like fences with an additional Y dimension. They actually attach unlike vanilla chains.

3. You can also make diagonal chains by putting the chain into a crafting slot.

4. The copper chains will oxidize very fast. You can wax them by placing honeycomb above them in a crafting grid.

How to use Fences

1. The OG Vanilla fences are now labeled “OLD” since they do not connect very well with the new fences.

2. The NEW fences will look like this:

3. You can make diagonal fences by placing a fence into a crafting slot.

4. You can also make “Vine Covered Fences” by placing vines on top of fence in a crafting grid.

5. Additionally there is now a “Red Nether Brick Fence”. To craft red nether brick combine nether brick with nether wart.

How to use Tapestry (Vertical Carpet)

Place 2 wool above one another in a crafting grid.

How to use Concrete Stairs & Slabs

1. You can craft concrete stairs and slabs with a stone cutter.

2. Or you can craft them on a crafting table.


Installation Note:

  • Make sure you activated the Experimental Gameplay: “Holiday Creator Features”, “Upcoming Creator Features”, and “Molang Features”.
  • Warning: This is a MASSIVE addon, and may not work on low-end devices.

How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

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World’s Best Building Addon (1.19) Download Links

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.19

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