X-Ray+ Texture Pack (1.21, 1.20) uses the most advanced full-bright system that none of the other packs have. It has a special infested block visualizer and not just a gravel visualizer. An X-Ray is a tool that lets players see through solid blocks. This X-Ray texture pack can help you find valuable resources like diamonds, gold, and other rare items that are usually hard to find. The X-Ray can also help you explore caves and mines, making it easier for you to navigate the underground world of Minecraft.


  • X-Ray Plus texture pack is designed to assist players in locating valuable resources like diamonds, gold, and other rare materials that are usually challenging to find. With the x-ray function, players can easily navigate through caves and mines, simplifying their journey through the underground world of Minecraft.

How is this X-Ray texture pack different than others?

  • This X-Ray texture pack uses the latest full-bright system that no other pack has (1.20+). It also features a unique infested block visualizer as well as a gravel visualizer.

Overworld X-Ray:

  • This X-ray texture pack can be incredibly useful in the overworld dimension. The X-ray feature can be especially useful when searching for abandoned mineshafts or ores.

Nether X-Ray:

  • An x-ray texture pack can be incredibly useful in the nether dimension of Minecraft, as it allows players to easily locate valuable resources such as glowstone, nether quartz, and ancient debris. The x-ray texture pack can also be used to navigate through the nether’s treacherous terrain, making it easier for players to find their way through the underground world of the nether. The x-ray feature can be especially useful when searching for nether fortresses, which can contain rare blocks like nether bricks and soul sand.

Infested visualizer:

  • This XRay also features an infested block visualizer to avoid any inconveniences.

Gravel visualizer:

  • This feature prevents you from annoying gravel blocks that may trap you.

Outlined Ores:

  • This x-ray feature definitely helps with the ore’s visibility.

Installation Note:

  • Avoid using this XRay texture pack in a server; you might get banned.
  • Turn off Smooth Shading, and Fancy Graphics and turn up the brightness to achieve full brightness potential.

How to install:


  • Download the X-Ray-Plus using one of the links below.
  • Find the X-Ray-Plus file on your device.
  • If the file extension is .mcpack then open it with Minecraft.
  • If it’s not then change the X-Ray-Plus.zip to X-Ray-Plus.mcpack.
  • You should enable the “Outline Selection” setting in the video settings.


  • Download the X-Ray-Plus using one of the links below.
  • Run the “X-Ray-Plus.mcpack”
  • Minecraft should say “X-Ray-Plus was successfully imported”.
  • You should enable the “Outline Selection” setting in the video settings.


  • Turn off Smooth Shading
  • Turn up Brightness to 100
  • Turn on Outline Selection
  • Turn on Beautiful Skies

X-Ray+ Texture Pack (1.21, 1.20) Download Links

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.19

XRay+ RTX (PC only): Download from server 1Download from server 2

XRay+ : Download from server 1Download from server 2

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.20

XRay+ RTX (PC only): Download from server 1Download from server 2

XRay+ : Download from server 1Download from server 2

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21

XRay+ : Download from server 1Download from server 2

XRay+ RTX (PC only): Download from server 1Download from server 2

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