XConomy Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) – Spigot
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August 16, 2023
XConomy Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) is a comprehensive plugin that introduces an intricate economic system to Minecraft servers. This system revolves around the exchange of in-game currency, fostering trade, resource management, and collaborative growth within the community. By bringing a financial aspect to the game, XConomy enriches the gameplay experience by creating opportunities for players to engage in virtual commerce and community building.
- Virtual Economy: The plugin establishes a virtual economy where players engage in trade, buy and sell resources, and participate in a thriving economic ecosystem. This adds depth and complexity to the Minecraft experience.
- Currency Management: XConomy introduces an in-game currency that players use for transactions. This currency can be earned through various activities such as mining, farming, and trading.
- Shops and Markets: The plugin allows players to set up their own shops and marketplaces, creating hubs of economic activity within the server. This fosters a sense of community collaboration and interaction.
- Resource Value: XConomy assigns values to different resources, creating a supply-and-demand dynamic that encourages players to strategize their resource collection and utilization.
Player Command
- balance/money – Displays your balance
- balance/money <player> – Displays <player>’s balance
- pay <player> <amount> – Pay <player> <amount>
- balancetop – Displays TOP10
- paytoggle – Toggle accepting payments
- xconomy help – View help
OP Command
- balance/money give <player> <amount> – give <player> <amount>
- balance/money take <player> <amount> – take <amount> from <player>
- balance/money set <player> <amount> – set <player>’s balance to <amount>
- balance/money give * <all/online> <amount> <reason> – give <all/online player> <amount>
- balance/money take * <all/online> <amount> <reason> – take <amount> from <all/online player>
- balancetop hide/display <player> – Hide or display a <player>’s data from TOP10
- paytoggle <player> – Toggle <player>’s accepting payments
- paypermission set <player> true/false – Set <player>’s (* represents a global setting) pay permission
- paypermission remove <player> – Set <player>’s pay permission to default
- xconomy reload – reload message.yml
- xconomy deldata <player> – delete player’s data
- xconomy.user.balance – Allows player to look up the balance of yourself and others
- xconomy.user.balance.other – Allows player to look up the balance of others
- xconomy.user.pay – Allow player transfers to others
- xconomy.user.pay.receive – Allow player receive from others (This permission require Luckperms plugin)
- xconomy.user.balancetop – Allows player to view TOP10 ranking
- xconomy.user.paytoggle – Allows player to toggle accepting payments
- xconomy.admin.give – Allows player to give player balance
- xconomy.admin.take – Allow player to take player balance
- xconomy.admin.set – Allow player to set player balance
- xconomy.admin.balancetop – Allow player to hide or display a <player>’s data from TOP10
- xconomy.admin.paytoggle – Allows set player accepting payments
- xconomy.admin.permission – Allow setting permissions
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugin’s directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.
XConomy Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) Download Links
For All Versions from Minecraft Spigot 1.8 to Minecraft Spigot 1.20.1
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