XP From Crops Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) allows players to level up and gain XPs from harvesting crops and farming rather than having to put up a fight against the adversaries of the world. While many players are fine with fighting countless hordes of mobs to become powerful in the world, others even try to build a mob farm in order to exploit the system, the majority of the Minecraft player base often doesn’t want to go out of their ways and participate in such an unfun activity to gain levels and XP orbs. However, the only way to truly progress through Minecraft is by leveling up as players would need to enchant their weapons and tools to facilitate the upcoming journey as often they would need better defense against monsters, damage against enemies, and even blast and fall damage reduction to safely travel across the world.


  • Players can now gain XPs from farming.



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Fabric API

Cloth Config API

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XP From Crops Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.18.2

Fabric version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.19.2

Fabric version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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