You Are The Mob Mod 1.12.2 (Respawn into Mob)
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April 5, 2019
You Are The Mob Mod 1.12.2 takes the role of the monster and attack those pesky humans. The choice of which opens when you first start the world or respawn.
- When player’s first join the world (or respawn) they get to choose what monster to reincarnate as, from the brittle skeleton to the might squid, there’s lots of options to choose from.
- Each monster has their own abilities, such as but not limited to the spider’s ability to scale walls, the skeletons ability to shoot without losing ammunition, and the zombie’s ability to call for backup and convert those pesky villagers.
- Then there’s the humans.. they roam the land destroying all in their path, you must stop them.
- You might even run into a human house.
How to install:
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You Are The Mob Mod 1.12.2 Download Links
For Minecraft 1.12.2
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