1. Diamonds and Netherite: Your Best Friends

The 1.20 update brought about a significant change in the way players upgrade their gear. Armor customizations were introduced, and a new method for obtaining netherite gear was implemented. Now, players need Netherite Upgrade Smithing Templates to upgrade their diamond gear to netherite quality. This makes diamonds and netherite ingots more valuable than ever. So, make sure to mine and store these precious resources to upgrade your gear swiftly when the time comes.

2. The Magic of Duplicating Smithing Templates

Smithing templates have become a crucial resource in the 1.20 update. They are needed for both upgrading to netherite gear and trimming armor. But instead of spending hours searching for templates in generated structures, you can duplicate your existing templates. All it takes is seven diamonds. It’s a small price to pay for the time you’ll save.

3. The Brush: An Archaeologist’s Essential Tool

The 1.20 update introduced a new tool – the brush. Crafted by combining sticks, copper ingots, and feathers, the brush is the key to unlocking the world of archaeology in Minecraft. With a brush, players can uncover a treasure trove of items from suspicious sand and gravel blocks, including pottery shards, sniffer eggs, emeralds, and even diamonds. So, always have a brush or two in your inventory. You never know when you’ll stumble upon a site worth excavating.

4. Camels: Your Shield Against Melee Attacks

Camels might not be the most glamorous addition in the 1.20 update, but they are incredibly useful. Their height makes them an excellent shield against melee attacks from enemies like zombies, vindicators, and piglins. Plus, their ability to traverse over unsteady terrain and scale 1.5-block heights makes them a valuable companion in your Minecraft adventures.

5. Ocean Ruins: A Treasure Trove Waiting to Be Discovered

Ocean ruins have become more valuable in the 1.20 update. They now contain suspicious sand and gravel blocks, transforming them into potential archaeological sites. Not only can players find standard loot in these structures, but they also have the chance to unearth a sniffer egg. So, don’t overlook ocean ruins in your exploration.

6. Double-Sided Signs: A Small Change with Big Impact

The 1.20 update brought a simple yet impactful change to signs. Players can now add text to both sides of a sign block, providing more space for creativity and communication. Plus, you can interact with a sign block to change its text directly, making it easier to update your messages.

7. Silencing Sculk Shriekers: A Trick for the Deep Dark Biome

Sculk shriekers, found in the deep dark biome, can alert the Warden when disturbed. But in the 1.20 update, players can silence these pesky blocks by waterlogging them with a water source. This trick can make your exploration of the deep dark biome a bit less nerve-wracking.

8. Moss Blocks: More Than Just Decoration

Moss blocks have gained additional uses in the 1.20 update. They can now be used for farming certain crops like sugar cane and bamboo. Plus, they halve the hatching time of sniffer eggs from 20 to 10 minutes. So, don’t underestimate the utility of these green blocks.

9. Torchflowers: More Than Meets the Eye

Torchflowers, acquired from sniffers, have several uses in the 1.20 update. They can be added to Suspicious Stew to give players Night Vision when consumed. Plus, they can be used to lure bees, making it easier to move these buzzing creatures to a new location.

10. Changes to Boats: A Heads-Up for Mob Transportation

The 1.20 update brought a change that might be inconvenient for some players: larger mobs can no longer fit in boats or rafts. While this might make mob transportation a bit more challenging, it’s something players should be aware of to avoid surprises.

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