ZNPCs Plus Plugin (1.19.4, 1.19.2) is an advanced and enhanced version of the original ZNPCs plugin, providing Spigot server administrators with more powerful tools for creating and managing NPCs (Non-Player Characters). With a focus on ease of use and flexibility, ZNPCsPlus expands on the core features of ZNPCs, offering better performance and more customization options for NPC behavior, appearances, and interactions.


  • Highly Customizable NPCs: ZNPCsPlus allows you to create NPCs with a wide variety of skins, names, and animations. You can assign commands, set messages, and configure NPC interactions with ease.
  • Pathfinding and Movements: NPCs can be given specific pathfinding behaviors, allowing them to walk predefined routes or stand in one spot. This adds a level of realism to NPCs and is especially useful for creating lively hubs or questing areas.
  • Advanced Command Execution: Like its predecessor, ZNPCsPlus supports a wide range of commands triggered by NPC interactions, making it ideal for creating shops, quest NPCs, or server navigation.
  • PlaceholderAPI Integration: NPCs can display dynamic information such as player stats, server data, or custom text using PlaceholderAPI, giving admins a powerful way to enhance player immersion.
  • BungeeCord and Velocity Support: NPCs can be used to seamlessly transfer players across multiple servers, making it a great addition for large networks.
  • New Animations and Visual Effects: ZNPCsPlus introduces additional visual effects and animations, allowing server admins to create even more dynamic and engaging NPCs.



  • /znpcs – Displays help for the plugin.


PlaceholderAPI Plugin

How to install:

ZNPCs Plus Plugin (1.19.4, 1.19.2) Download Links

For All Versions from Minecraft 1.8 to Minecraft 1.19.4

Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

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